I Like, Do You?
Hi everybody! I know (:o) I'm writing in english ! - Why, why , why? It's a pretty simple explination actually; I'm doing this to practise my english! ( Because we dont do shit in our english classes in School) Yepp, so this is just for me to get in to english writing a bit more often, and if you find a word spelled wrong etc. just let me know! ;)
I'm going to write in english about once every week so now you know whats coming ahead! :)
The tricky part, that's equally difficult in swedish - is to have a subject to write about.. Hm. Well I colud show you guys some new bags that H&M has in stock which are really pretty! It's not the optimal choice to purschase a bag from H&M but these latest bags are actually reallt cool! What do you think?? They cost about 400 kr.
Postat av: R
Excellent idea, the writing-in-english-thing !!
Hanna Åkesson
Postat av: Lisa
I like the pink one! Very cute and stylish..
Hanna Åkesson